New AWWARF solutions
The American Water Work Association’s Research Foundation (AWWARF) has selected five additional solicited research projects for 1996 funding. Contract awards for all solicited projects will be determined by an AWWARF project advisory committee appointed for each project. The following are the solicited projects and the funding amount for each.
Cryptosporidium Viability Study with the United Kingdom Drinking Water Inspectorate (RFP 395). There are currently at least five methods for determining the viability of oocysts, including mouse infection, in vitro excystation, cell culture, PCR and dye inclusion and exclusion. The methods will be compared under strict quality assurance conditions. $300,000.
Emerging Waterborne Pathogens and Their Public Health Implications (RFP 380). Three projects were selected by the Microbia/Disinfection By-Products Council, a cooperative effort with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and AWWARF to fund research on microbial and disinfection by-product issues. Project amounts represent the total of EPA and AWWARF funds available for researchers.
Design and Feasibility of Studies on Endemic Enteric Disease Associated with Microbes in Drinking Water (RFP 383). Use an expert workgroup having experience in epidemiology and water microbiology to define the epidemiological methods, protocols and procedures that could be used in specified intervention or case studies, or with other epidemiological techniques, to provide definitive data on the endemic levels of disease from treated drinking water. $100,000.
Identification of Geographic Areas for Possible Epidemiological Studies (RFP 384). Identify communities that would present a range of exposures to brominated and chlorinated DBPs, for which individual exposures can be reasonably reconstructed. Three major components would need to be characterized by interviews and data collection. These components are water source, treatment and distribution configuration. $200,000.
Feasibility Analysis and Design of Research to Evaluate Microbiological Constituents and Treatability in Source Waters (RFP 385). Determine the optimum approach and specific project design for developing monitoring requirements under the Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (ESWTR). Two approached are being considered: a large scale multifaceted project or separately funded but complementary projects that would address the key issues. $300,000.