ACPA announces concrete pavement winners
Skokie, Ill. — The rehabilitation of Pancake Blvd. in Liberal, Kan., has won the 1996 Municipal Streets and Urban Arterials Award from the American Concrete Pavement Association. Wittwer Paving, Wichita, Kan., won the award for the project, which involved placing 11-inch, jointed concrete pavement with high early-strength concrete for crossover areas. Access was maintained to more than 130 businesses in the area during the project, and the contractor achieved an average profile index of 4.0 inches-per-mile using 0.2-foot blanking bond.
Other award winners included:
McCarthy Improvement Co., Davenport, Iowa, in the Rural Divided Highways category, for the reconstruction of eight miles of Interstate 74 in Knox County, Ill. The section of highway was reopened to traffic 14 days ahead of schedule, and the contractor received 100 percent of the available smoothness incentive;
Cherry Hill Construction, Jessup, Md., in the Urban Divided Highways category, for reconstruction of 4.6 miles of Interstate 66 in Fairfax County, Va. The contractor kept two lanes of traffic open during daylight hours to handle the estimated 132,500 vehicles per day.
The existing concrete pavement was recycled into a cement-stabilized sub-base; and
Fred Carlson Co., Decorah, Iowa, in the County Roads category, for a pavement project in Appanoose County, Iowa, that called for 27 vertical grade changes of up to 7 percent. The project also had 18 horizontal curves, some with superelevations.
For more information on the awards program, contact Bill Davenport (e-mail: [email protected]), ACPA, 5420 Old Orchard Road, Suite A100, Skokie, Ill., 60077-1059; telephone (847) 966-2272.