People on the Move
A.O. Smith Harvestore John Farris has been named president of the Milwaukee, Wis.-based com-pany’s municipal and industrial bus-iness.
International Code Council: Kenneth Larsen, director of building and housing for Chula Vista, Calif., has been elected chairman of the board of the Country Club Hills, Ill., organization. The ICC is dedicated to the development of a more efficient regulatory system for the built envi-ronment through cooperative prom-ulgation of a comprehensive and compatible package of model codes that are suitable for adoption by governmental entities.
Waste Equipment Technology Association: Chris Weiser, president and CEO of J.V. Manufacturing,Springdale, Ark., a manufacturer of waste processing equipment, containers and lifting systems, has been elected chair of the Washington, D.C., constituent group of the Environmental Industry As-sociations.
Tilt-Up Concrete Association: The board of directors of the Mount Vernon, Iowa, organization of tilt-up concrete contractors, manufacturers and professionals has elected David Prizio, president of Prizio & Prizio, Fountain Valley, Calif., president; David Moses, executive vice president of Clayco Construction, St. Louis, vice president; and Robert Truitt, senior engineering applications manager, Superior Concrete Acces-sories, Los Angeles, secretary/treas-urer. Raymond Knotts, president of Concrete Concepts, Kings Mountain, N.C., and David Forbes were elected to the board of directors.
American Digital Cartography: Jim Reid has been appointed president of the Appleton, Wis., developer of Autodesk and AutoCAD software.
National Recycling Coalition: Dan Kemna, director of recycling for Waste Management, Oak Brook, Ill., has been elected to the organization’s board of directors.
Massachusetts Association of Consulting Planners: The association, a consortium of 50 planning and consulting firms, has elected a new executive committee. It includes Philip Kennedy, Camp Dresser & McKee, Cambridge, pres-ident; Jeanne Van Orman, Van Orman & Associates, Belmont, vice president; Margaret Collins, Cam-bridge Economic Research, Cam-bridge, secretary; and James Purdy, Wallace Floyd Associates, Boston, treasurer. Alan Hodges, Parsons Brinckerhoff; Susan St. Pierre, Fort Point Associates; and Ralph Willmer, McGregor and Shea, all Boston-based, were elected to two-year terms on the executive committee.
National Forum for Black Public Administrators: The forum’s Maryland chapter has selected Prince George’s County Executive Wayne Curry as the recipient of its second annual “Ex-cellence in Public Service” award.
Environmental Business Council of New England: Robert Connelly, president of Cyn Environmental Services, a Stoughton, Mass., provider of emergency response, site remediation, hazardous waste management, laboratory services, construction management and con-sulting services, has been elected to the council’s board of directors.
Professional Grounds Management Society: The Hunt Valley, Md.-based society has awarded its most prestigious honor, the Gold Medal Award, to Jeffrey Bourne, director of the Department of Recreation and Parks for Howard County, Md. The medal is conferred only through a unanimous vote of the board of directors and has been pre- sented only 13 times since the or-ganization’s founding in 1911.
Somat Corp.: The Coatesville, Pa., manufacturer of waste reduction systems has an-nounced the appointment of Charles Bozym as president.
Glendale, Calif.: The city council has appointed local architect Jay Mock to the Design Review Board No. 1, one of the city’s two public agencies that evaluate planned residential, retail, commercial office and industrial development and renovation within the city limits. Mock, a designer with MCG Arch-itects, Pasadena, Calif., will serve a three-year term.