City tells residents to ‘stuff it’
Little Rock, Ark. – The city has teamed up with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock basketball team to ask local residents to “Stuff it!” In the first of a planned series of television public service announcements, “Stuff It!” is designed to increase public participation in the city’s curbside recycling program, according to Director of Public Works Chandra Russell.
UALR Athletic Director Rick Mello, Head Coach Wimp Sanderson and members of the basketball team joined Vice Mayor Michael Keck and Russell in unveiling the “Stuff It!” television public service announcement.
The segment features Sanderson squaring off against a referee who chooses not to recycle.
“The city of Little Rock has received tremendous response from residents using curbside recycling,” Russell says. “However, when a program’s newness wears off, interest can wane. While our momentum is high, we feel the time is right to remind residents that Little Rock recycles, right at their own curb.”
Waste Management of Arkansas collects recyclables, including paper, aluminum cans, clear, green or brown bottles and jars, steel cans, plastic translucent milk, juice and water jugs and flattened corrugated cardboard, through a contract with the city. Materials are then shipped to a MRF at the Little Rock River Port.