xxxNews Of The Weirdxxx
Bizarre but true stories about real people collected by syndicated columnist Chuck Shepherd.
The head of a government health agency in Thailand proposed that a leading oil company offer massages to tired motorists at its gas stations, to help reduce traffic accidents.
Favorite spills of the year:
– An 18-wheeler full of beer (Interstate 5 near Fort Tejon, Calif., July); – 1,500 gallons of Southern Comfort whiskey (warehouse in Louisville, Ky., July); – 20 tons of hot dogs (Interstate 70, Kansas City, Mo., August); – pizza dough (leaking out of a truck’s door, from rising yeast), spread over 25 miles of highway, from a Tombstone Pizza truck (near Chippewa Falls, Wis., July); – 270,000 eggs (Interstate 65, Crown Point, Ind., May); – $1 million in cash (U.S. Highway 160, near Pagosa Springs, Colo., May); – 50,000 inch-long screws (causing scores of flat tires) (Interstate 65, near Lebanon Junction, Ky., December); – 37 voting machines (fell off of a truck and were ruined, six days before primary elections (Albuquerque, May).
The head of a government health agency in Thailand proposed that a leading oil company offer massages to tired motorists at its gas stations, to help reduce traffic accidents.
A 32-year-old motorist, waiting at a crossing until a southbound train had passed, drove across those tracks but was struck and killed on a second set of tracks, by a northbound train (Santa Ana, Calif., November).
Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679 or [email protected]
Copyright © 2001 by Chuck Shepherd