Fear Of West Nile Virus Growing
Many people in U.S. areas with high concentrations of mosquitoes will feel threatened by the West Nile virus next summer, suggests a new study by Harvard School of Public Health researchers.
The opening study of the Project on Biological Security and the Public finds that 33 percent of Americans who live in areas where there are a lot of mosquitoes think they or a family member is very or somewhat likely to get sick from the virus in the next 12 months. In addition, 32 percent of dog owners in high mosquito areas are concerned that their dog might get the West Nile virus.
In those high mosquito areas where there has been special spraying against mosquitoes to prevent the spread of the West Nile virus, 91 percent approve of the spraying. Nationwide, 77 percent of Americans said they would favor special spraying to prevent the spread of West Nile if it appeared in their area.
“The public has become sufficiently concerned about the West Nile virus that they are willing to take some risk on mosquito spraying, a controversial issue in many areas,” said Robert Blendon, professor of Health Policy and Political Analysis at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Some groups have protested against spraying, arguing that it aggravates respiratory problems and can cause environmental damage.
The findings were based on interviews with 1,001 Americans nationwide, including 516 who said there are a lot of mosquitoes where they live. Some 3,955 human cases of illness from West Nile have been reported, resulting in 252 deaths as of this month.
Concern about the virus is rising even in areas where the virus has not yet turned up. Next week, representatives from local, state and federal agencies and interest groups will convene in Portland, Oregon to present information about the possible effects of West Nile virus on human health, wildlife and the environment.
About 250 people have registered to take part in the day long workshop on West Nile virus, to be held at the Oregon Zoo. West Nile virus is not yet known to be in Oregon, but it has been identified in Washington and is expected to arrive in Oregon this spring.
The virus can be fatal to humans, domestic animals and wildlife, but efforts to control the spread of West Nile virus also can have direct and indirect health effects on humans, domestic animals, wildlife and entire ecosystems. The goal of the workshop is to provide current information about the disease and bring the health and conservation communities together to develop a comprehensive plan to combat West Nile virus that is both effective and ecologically sound.
Provided by theEnvironmental News Service.