Emergency Dispatcher Upgrades 911 Facilities
Norfolk, Va., is launching a 911 system to link police, jail, and emergency services. City manager Regina V.K. Williams noted the Justice Department will provide the majority of about $1.6 million in grants to help fund the system, which has risen in cost from an estimated $2 million to around $6.5 million.
The city chose to replace its current computer-aid dispatch system to avoid growing maintenance demands as it nears the end of its projected life and expand its original plan to include more departments.
The new system will display the locations of vehicles from different departments on a computer map and allow system access via laptop computers.
Other capabilities include access to criminal data banks, downloadable suspect photos, electronic filing of reports, medical status of accident victims, and critical information about hazardous spill sites. The technology also relies on global positioning technology and software.
Intergraph Public Safety is providing the computer-aided dispatch, mobile data software, and records management systems, which are the foundation of the system.
The Norfolk Department of Information Technology’s LeAnn D. McPhatter expects the dispatch system to be operational this summer.
Abstracted by the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center(NLECTC) from the Virginian-Pilot (01/27/03); Roy, Matthew.