Minnesota Gets $3.2 Million For Rural Water Projects
Water and wastewater facility grants and loans OF $3.2 million for Minnesota have been announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The projects will spur economic growth and job creation and eliminate potential environmental and health concerns through building and upgrading water and waste disposal facilities in two counties.
A $682,500 Rural Development loan and grant will help Redwood County build a new wastewater collection and treatment system for the community of Revere. And in Renville County, more than $2.5 million will expand services to homes in Franklin not currently on the wastewater system.
The City of Franklin will receive a $2,596,000 water loan and grant package ($1,296,000 loan and a grant of $1,300,000). The package will expand services to 23 homes not currently on the system. This will reduce flows to a level at which the treatment ponds will be able to handle and eliminate the need to bypass the ponds during high moisture periods.
The City of Revere will receive a $682,500 water loan and grant package ($90,000 loan and $592,500 grant). Financing will help build a new wastewater collection and treatment system, eliminating the individual septic system, and new stabilization ponds to treat the water.
USDA Rural Development serves as the lead federal entity for rural development needs and administers financial and technical assistance.