Epa-Pproved Insect Repellent Clothing Unveiled
Individuals keen to fend off mosquitos may now be able to let their clothing do more of the work. Armed with recent approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), North Carolina based Buzz Off Insect Shield LLC has partnered with catalog giant Orvis to launch a line of insect repellant clothing.
The company says its clothing provides effective protection against mosquitos, ticks, chiggers, spiders, ants, midges, and flies, because of its active ingredient, permethrin.
Permethrin is a non-toxic synthetic form of the all-natural insect repellent derived from the chrysanthemum plant but is not effective when applied directly to the skin, because it deactivates and dissipates quickly.
The process used by the company tightly binds repellent to the garment, creating an invisible and odorless protective barrier around the wearer. Buzz Off apparel is designed to be effective through more than 25 washings.
The technology came from a partnership with the U.S. military – after seven years of joint research and testing, the company found it to be highly effective in repelling mosquitoes and ticks.
In addition to the EPA approval, it has been given approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Orvis will sell the apparel through its catalog and retail stores, including its Seattle owned Ex Officio company.
Provided by theEnvironmental News Service.