xxxNews Of The Weirdxxx
Bizarre but true stories about real people collected by syndicated columnist Chuck Shepherd.
In August, Tom Jennings filed an appeal to his earlier dismissal as public affairs manager for Mobile (Ala.) Area Water and Sewer System, which was caused by his having had pornography on his office computer. In the appeal, Jennings blamed most of the downloading on other people, but took responsibility for a file labeled “buttshot” (an image of his own buttocks), claiming that it was photographed accidentally when he was changing clothes and that the only reason he loaded it onto his computer was “because I wanted to talk to some of my friends about deleting it.”
There was a conflict reported in August in an aggravated assault in Skowhegan, Maine, as to who had stabbed Paul Vienaire, according to police. Jean Lampron, 46, was charged with the stabbing, but she said Vienaire’s ex-wife did it. Vienaire, however, said that the ex-wife “ordered” the stabbing but that Lampron actually carried it out. Police attributed both explanations to alcohol, since Vienaire’s ex-wife died long before the incident occurred.
According to a June police report in the Herald-Dispatch of Huntington, W.Va., a 19-year-old man drove from Greenwich, N.Y., to Huntington to meet for the first time a 17-year-old girl he had been “chatting” with over the Internet, to persuade her to return to New York with him. Her mother refused to let her go. The man walked away, “intentionally banged his head on the door frame of his car and fell to the ground, unconscious.” He was taken to Cabell Huntington Hospital.
Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679 or [email protected]
Copyright © 2001 by Chuck Shepherd