Indian Gaming Report Reveals Many Gains
Indian gaming generated $18.5 billion in gross revenues in 2004 representing a 10 percent increase over $16.7 billion in revenues for 2003, according to the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) 2004 tribal government gaming economic impact report .
The report includes statistics detailing tribal government gaming total revenues (including revenues generated for federal, state and local governments); tribal government gaming regulation; number of direct and indirect jobs created through tribal government gaming, philanthropic contributions by tribes and more.
Some of the report highlights include:
— Indian gaming has generated approximately 553,000 jobs nationwide, 75 percent of which are held by non-Indians.
— Indian Tribes are expanding their economies to include lodging, restaurants convention space and entertainment facilities. These ancillary businesses generated an additional $2.5 billion in gross revenues in 2004.
— Indian gaming increased Federal tax revenues by $5.5 billion.
— The Federal government also saved an additional $1.4 billion in reduced welfare payments and unemployment benefits.
— Indian gaming in 2004 also generated an additional $1.8 billion in revenue for state governments through state income, payroll, sales and other taxes and direct revenue sharing payments.
— Tribal governments in 2004 spent almost $230 million to regulate their gaming operations. In addition, Tribal governments gave $58 million to states and $11 million to the National Indian Gaming Commission to assist with Federal oversight of our gaming operations. Indian gaming is one of the most regulated industries in the country.
— Tribes contributed over $100 million to charitable and philanthropic causes in 2004.
“NIGA’s economic impact report demonstrates that tribal government gaming benefits Tribes and their neighbors throughout the country,” said NIGA Chairman Ernie Stevens, Jr. “But despite the gains that tribes have made, the report also shows that we still have a very long way to go to catch up to the rest of America.” The report may be viewed online at The National Indian Gaming Association is a non-profit trade association comprised of 184 American Indian Nations and other non-voting associate members. The common commitment and purpose of NIGA is to advance the lives of Indian people — economically, socially and politically.
NIGA operates as a clearinghouse and educational, legislative and public policy resource for tribes, policymakers and the public on Indian gaming issues and tribal community development.