GSA Aids in Hurricane Relief Effort
GSA Aids in Hurricane Relief Effort
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has been providing supplies and services to the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the interagency community in support of the relief effort for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Assisting the citizens impacted by Hurricane Katrina is among our nations highest priorities, said GSA Administrator Stephen A. Perry. GSA will continue to provide services and resource support to the interagency community so that front-line agencies may focus their activities on assisting citizens and the recovery effort.
Since August 29, the U.S. General Services Administration has assisted the interagency community in sourcing the following supplies and services for agencies responding to the crisis:
Product/Service Quantity
Meals Ready to Eat (MRE)/35,000,000Jet Fuel, Unleaded Gasoline and Diesel Gasoline/400,000 GallonsRental cars/863All Terrain Vehicles for Urban Search and Rescue Teams /30Passenger buses for emergency personnel/2Rental of Recreational Vehicles for emergency responders/50Ambulances/263Tractor Trailers/3Adult and baby diapers/wipes/25,000 casesCots/10,000Bed sheets/114,360Pillows/109,236Ice/300 palletsMobile kitchens w/capacity to serve 1000 people per day/15Copiers/9Folding tables and chairs/800/800Audio Visual units/5Satellite phones with equipment/150GETS cards/353 WPS Wireless Priority Service Requests /1997 Satellite Vehicles/5Hand washing stations/19Modular office trailers/26Material handling equipment (forklift trucks, pallet jacks)/52Contract labor for operation of mobilization centers and other logistical facilities/60
GSA hotlines are available to federal customers 24/7 in the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina allowing them to access information related to buildings, products, services, technology, or other relevant issues. For Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina and Kentucky the number is: (404) 224-2222; for Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico the number is: (817) 978-2210. Customers may also send an e-mail to http://[email protected] <.
GSA supports the National Response Plan (NRP) by providing resources to agencies such as contracting services, building and space, supplies and tools, information technology, telecommunications, transportation, and other services.