More State Websites Found Vulnerable
Although a recent government review determined that five Minnesota state agency Web sites were critically vulnerable to hackers, the report also found the other 850 or so state sites properly secured against attack.
The state fixed four vulnerable agency Web sites earlier this year with no information on whether or not the sites were ever victims of data thieves or cyber-hijackers, according to a letter to Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty written by Minnesota CIO Keith Payden.
The report found two Web sites with unencrypted data easily accessible by hackers, and the three other sites were vulnerable to hackers who could then use the sites to launch additional attacks.
The report also points out that 297 state sites were vulnerable in that they let hackers in but did not provide them any important data or administrative functions.
Payden says the report was “somewhat reassuring,” but reinforces the need to improve online security on the state’s Web sites.
Abstracted by the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center(NLECTC) from the Minneapolis Star Tribune (07/27/05); Doyle, Pat.