Hhs Awards 48.6 Million Of Hiv/Aids Dental Care, Training, Technical Assistance
Twelve grants and 14 cooperative agreements totaling $8.6 million has been released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to fund oral health care, training and technical assistance for medically underserved populations affected by HIV/AIDS.
The twelve grants totaling $3,320,299 are being awarded through the Community-Based Dental Partnership Program of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act. The program supports oral health care for underserved rural and urban HIV-positive populations and training for dental providers.
Fourteen cooperative agreements will provide training and technical assistance to CARE Act grantees and support peer education and training. These include eight cooperative agreements totaling $2.4 million to AIDS service organizations to develop technical assistance for CARE Act grantees, and two agreements totaling $910,000 that target technical assistance to women, infants, children, youth and families under Title IV of the CARE Act.
The remaining four cooperative agreements, totaling almost $2 million and funded under the Minority AIDS Initiative Fund, will support three Peer Education Training Sites and one Resource and Evaluation Center.
These entities provide technical assistance and training to HIV/AIDS peer educators and the organizations that employ them. The objective is to increase the number of HIV/AIDS peer treatment educators within CARE Act-funded programs.
The list of awards are:
The Ryan White CARE Act Fiscal Year 2005 Community-Based Dental Partnership Awards by Organization, City, State, and Award are:
Loma Linda University Loma Linda Calif. $300,000
University of Colorado Health Science Center Denver Colo. 252,426
Nova Southeastern University Ft. Lauderdale Fla. 184,747
University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago Ill. 286,060
University of Louisville Louisville Ky. 363,203
Louisiana State University HCS School of Dentistry New Orleans La. 403,042
Trustees of Boston University Boston Mass. 300,000
University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson Miss. 200,629
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Newark N.J. 311,268
Lutheran Medical Center Brooklyn N.Y. 194,603
The Trustees of Columbia University New York N.Y. 273,534
Oregon Health & Sciences University Portland Ore. 250,787
The Ryan White CARE Act Fiscal Year 2005 National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements by Organization, City, State, and Award are:
Academy for Educational Development Washington D.C. $304,450
Academy for Educational Development Washington D.C. 300,000
AIDS Action Foundation Washington D.C. 300,000
CAEAR Coalition Foundation, Inc. Washington D.C. 300,000
National Assn. of State & Territorial AIDS Directors Washington D.C. 300,000
National Minority AIDS Council Washington D.C. 300,000
Cicatelli Associates New York N.Y. 300,000
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. New York N.Y. 300,000
Sub-total: $2,404,450
The Ryan White CARE Act Fiscal Year 2005 Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements Targeting Title IV Grantees by Organization, City State, and Award are:
AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families Washington D.C. $700,000
HIV/AIDS National Resource Center, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Newark N.J. 210,000
Sub-total: $910,000
Fiscal Year 2005 Peer Education Training Sites & Resource Evaluation Center Cooperative Agreements by Organization, City, State, and Award are: Center for Health Training (PETS) Oakland Calif. $514,199
American Red Cross St. Louis Area Chapter (PETS) St. Louis Mo. 450,800
Health Watch Information & Promotion Services, Inc. (REC) New York N.Y. 499,863
Trustees of Columbia University (PETS) New York N.Y. 483,660
Sub-total: $1,948,522
TOTAL: $8,583,271