Practice Makes Perfect
The Indiana National Guard is using a multimedia learning tool to prepare itself for a range of natural and human disasters. Called “Red Cape: Crisis Action Planning and Execution” and made by Aptima, the multi-media training is a total learning environment that allows the guard to train on earthquakes, dirty-bomb attacks, prison riots, sports riots, fierce snowstorms, and other disaster possibilities.
The technology uses Adobe flash, photos, video, and other integrated material. Scenarios cover not just a disaster site, but what happens in the surrounding area, in communities, and in hospitals and schools.
“We understand, in physical skills, the idea of overlearning something so it becomes automatic behavior,” says Aptima vice president Michael Paley. For instance says Paley, “You go to the rifle range over and over again to master that skill, and then you can apply it in times of stress.”
Abstracted by the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) from Washington Technology (10/16/06) ,Vol. 21, No. 20, P. 32; Beizer, Doug.