The PTI ‘Book of Apps’ project: Share your success story
Many state and local governments are developing mobile applications for smart phones to communicate with and engage the public. To highlight those efforts, the Alexandria, Va.-based Public Technology Institute (PTI) is gathering information to publish a book, entitled “Book of Apps: Innovation in Government.”
The book is intended to provide a better understanding of mobile apps that are being developed or implemented by governments (what, why and results). Until Nov. 30, cities and counties are invited to submit descriptions of their apps, how they are being used and how the apps have improved citizen engagement and government service delivery. Apps that are developed for internal purposes will be included, as well.
Each description should be one to four paragraphs and submitted in a Microsoft Word file. Applications should include the URL where the app can be downloaded, as well as no more than four graphic images. Descriptions should include whether the app was developed internally or provided by a vendor, and how it is made available to the public.
Elected leaders, city/county managers, technologists and officials representing government agencies are the target audience for “The Book of Apps.” The book will be printed in four-color and published in December 2011.
Descriptions should be submitted to PTI’s Dale Bowen at [email protected]. Read more about the Book of Apps.