June is National Safety Month
Each June, the National Safety Council encourages organizations and communities to participate in National Safety Month (NSM). It is an annual observance to educate and encourage safe behaviors around leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths.
Each June, the National Safety Council encourages organizations and communities to participate in National Safety Month (NSM). It is an annual observance to educate and encourage safe behaviors around leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths.
This year’s campaign – Safety Starts with Me – highlights the steps every individual can take to be a safety leader. Free materials including posters, tip sheets and games are available here. The materials can help deliver important safety messages.
“On the Journey to Safety Excellence, successful organizations engage everyone in safety and create a culture where people feel a personal responsibility not only for their own safety, but for that of their coworkers, family and friends,” said Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the Itasca, Ill.-based National Safety Council. “While safety is important year-round, June is a great time to get everyone involved as the nation observes National Safety Month.”
Each week in June carries a safety theme reflecting high rates of injuries, which include:
· Preventing slips, trips and falls: June 2-8
· Employee wellness: June 9-15
· Emergency preparedness: June 16-22
· Ergonomics: June 23-29
· Bonus topic: Summer safety
· Bonus topic: Driving safety
Unintentional injuries and deaths in the United States are at high levels. Unintentional-injury related deaths were estimated to total 122,900 in 2011, up 1.7 percent compared to 2010. The latest estimate is 42 percent greater than the 1992 total of 86,777 (the lowest annual total since 1924). The cost of unintentional injuries to Americans and their employers exceeds $750 billion nationally.
The National Safety Month Safety Champion sponsor is Grainger, and the NSM Safety Leader sponsor is Toyota.
Founded in 1913 and chartered by Congress, the National Safety Council is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. NSC advances this mission by partnering with businesses, government agencies, elected officials and the public in areas where the organization can make the most impact — distracted driving, teen driving, workplace safety, prescription drug overdoses and Safe Communities.