Popcorn snack meets government nutrition standards (with related video)
The launch of the USDA Smart Snacks in School program has created a challenge for schools to meet the new national nutrition standards. The Cincinnati-based concession firm, Gold Medal Products, has responded by introducing SunnyPop. The product is a popcorn snack that’s popular with students, yet still meets the national nutrition requirements.
Popcorn has always been a top seller for schools. But many schools actually had to stop selling popcorn in their lunchrooms because they didn’t have a product that met the new standards. “With SunnyPop, it’s the best of both worlds. It meets the needs of schools and also gives students what they want—a food that’s fun and tastes good,” says Gold Medal vice-president, John Evans, Jr.
A key characteristic of SunnyPop is its simplicity. The product is composed of just three ingredients: popcorn, oil and salt. The product offers a variety of nutritional benefits, including:
— whole grain
— gluten-free
— non-GMO
— zero grams trans fat
A detailed chart is available from the firm, that outlines how SunnyPop compares to the Smart Snacks in School requirements. The company can arrange for a taste test of the product.
The popcorn is suited for any environment that caters to children, including parks and recreation centers, playgrounds and athletic stadium concessions. Schools, daycare facilities and museums are other potential serving sites for the popcorn. The product is also beneficial for those who must pay attention to nutritional value. Serve the product at hospitals, senior centers, retirement communities, fitness complexes and government facilities.
The video is all about the Gold Medal Popcorn Machine. See how the machine is made and how they work.
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