NSC report spotlights workplace safety trends (with related video)
A total of 365 work-related deaths in government occurred in 2013, which is 12 percent more than occurred in 2012, according to the National Safety Council’s (NSC) Injury Facts 2015 report. A total of 960,000 medically consulted injuries took place in the government workplace. Governments had more workplace injuries than other sectors of the economy, including manufacturing and construction, according to the NSC report.
In terms of death rates by industry, the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sector topped the death rates chart in 2013 with 21.7 fatalities per 100,000 workers, higher than mining (12.2), transportation and warehousing (11.9), and construction (9.1). In the government workplace, there were 2 fatalities per 100,000 workers in 2013 (latest year of data available).
Injury Facts, published annually by the National Safety Council, includes fatal and nonfatal injury statistics in numerous categories, including occupational injuries and fatalities.
The report notes that unintentional poisoning deaths in the U.S. adult population were not common until the early 1990s. “Since that time, this category has skyrocketed to 1st place, driven by unintentional drug overdose — predominantly from prescription painkillers,” the report explains.
The volume includes an Odds of Dying chart that is a visual depiction of the lifetime odds of death from a few selected causes. The report has information on:
— The Most Dangerous Industries
— Benchmarking of Injury and Illness Incidence Rates
— Data on Off-the-Job Injuries
To order the volume, go to the Shop tab on the NSC home page.
In this video, the NSC outlines the Journey to Safety Excellence. The program works to prevent injuries in the workplace.
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