Non-lethal weapon aids in crowd and riot control (with related video)
Use Security Devices International’s (SDI) Blunt Impact Projectiles (BIP) for crowd and riot control where safety is critical, for both police and the public. The product is a non-lethal bullet. It is suited for law enforcement, military, peacekeeping, homeland security, correctional services and other security situations.
The non-lethal weapon (photo below on left) is designed to provide accuracy at both short and long ranges. The product ensures the safety of the user. It provides an effective means of incapacitating subjects without causing lethal injury. This is due to the product’s design that uses a collapsible head to mitigate kinetic energy upon impact. The BIP has an effective operational range of 2 to 80 meters.
The ammunition causes minimal injury even at a very close range, according to the company. The technology built within the bullets causes pain but greatly decreases the depth and penetration possible, minimizing injury. SDI’s non-lethal ammunition provides a safe and accurate alternative to previous solutions, such as 12-gauge stabilizer rounds, 37/40-millimeter rubber bullets, wooden batons, 40- millimeter rubber ball canisters and beanbags.
The company develops and markets variants of its ammunition that can be adapted to contain powders, liquid and gas agents. Liquid and powdered marker and tracker rounds are also available to identify organizers and agitators of riots and unlawful assemblies. Other products are available that deploy odors that target a specific area. A total of 22 police departments in the U.S. and Canada are using SDI’s technology.
Tampa, Fla.-based SDI is a defense technology company. The firm specializes in the development, manufacturing and sale of next-generation less lethal ammunition.
In the video, the weapon is demonstrated in a mock prison riot that was staged at a decommissioned West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville in 2015.
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