Neutralize unpleasant smells with this product (with related video)
Odor Destroyer is a compound that chemically reacts to and neutralizes unpleasant smells. It replaces the bad aromas with a light, pleasant clean fragrance. The product is easy to use and safe to use on all surfaces, according to the manfacturer, Sunburst Chemicals. Use it for all janitorial and housekeeping tasks. The solution effectively eliminates odors in municipal facilities, health care centers, schools, garbage storage areas, vehicles and more.
The product’s solid formulation allows for less of an environmental impact because of its recyclable empty container and its reduction in storage, freight, and handling. Solid chemicals cannot be spilled, splashed, or mixed by hand in their natural state.
It is dispensed and diluted when used with one of the manufacturer’s solid dispensers that is designed to deliver controlled usage. The solution is economical. It is 100 percent active raw materials – no water or fillers added.
It features a proprietary ingredient that absorbs the odor-causing agent instead of simply masking it with fragrance. That ingredient is also rapidly biodegradable and not harmful to the environment. Each capsule yields 80 gallons of usable solution that is the equivalent of 512 20-oz trigger spray bottles.
Minneapolis-based Sunburst Chemicals has been on the forefront of environmentally friendlier cleaning technology, since it began producing solid cleaning chemicals in the early 1980s.
In the video, learn about Sunburst Chemicals and their nationwide distribution network.
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