Guide: Building an Effective Stormwater Management Plan
Whenever storms occur, it can be easy for sewage and pollutants to enter into the water. Some even go as far as to say that stormwater runoff is one of the more significant environmental issues facing communities today. That is why your stormwater procedures should be top of mind for your governmental organization.
Many municipalities are currently addressing the implementation of a stormwater program under the Phase II small MS4 regulation by the EPA. With that comes a great amount of responsibility to ensure compliance with the regulations and improving the safety of your citizens and community.
There are also many economic benefits to be had with improving stormwater procedures. In a 2013 study, the Environmental Finance Center estimated the return on every dollar invested in stormwater infrastructure could range from $1.45 to as much as $3.16.
Download this Guide to discover the steps you can take to create a successful stormwater management plan with a significant ROI for your county or city.
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