‘Fiscal cliff’ threatens local governments
Local governments have a direct stake in the wrangling in Washington over the so-called “fiscal cliff,” according to the National League of Cities (NLC). The $600 billion worth of spending reductions and tax hikes set for next year could affect cities’ ability to hire police, build sewers or repair roads.
One of the biggest impacts would come from cuts in federal Community Development Block Grants, which local governments use to make neighborhood improvements. Lexington County, S.C., for example, recently used the funds to build a medical clinic and provide food storage equipment for local food banks, according to The State newspaper.
South Carolina alone could lose $3.7 million in Community Development grants next year, according to NLC. In a letter to the state’s Congressional delegation, nearly 100 South Carolina mayors urged no cuts in the grants.
Local governments could also suffer from a proposal to remove the tax-exempt status on municipal bonds that help cities pay for infrastructure improvements, such as building roads and water or sewer facilities. If the tax exemption is removed, the cost of making those improvements “will rise thereby forcing cities to either raise local property taxes or fees to pay for them or forego those projects altogether,” Manuel Marono, mayor of Sweetwater, Fla., and president of the Florida League of Cities, wrote in The Daytona Beach News-Journal.
Cuts in Department of Justice grants to state and local law enforcement agencies could affect their ability to hire and retain police officers. The NLC identifies at least 11 federal agencies where proposed cuts would directly impact local governments.
Having spent over 40 years
Having spent over 40 years working in and with Cities and Counties, I know there was a time when all were fiscally responsibie and stood on their own merits. How did we get so far down the path of federal dependency? What can we do to change that? How do agencies leaders, in particular Mayors of large Cities, justifiy trying to emulate the idiocy in DC of spending beyond their means? Answer these questions, and you may have a chance of saving your City or County.
Fiscal cliff is the
Fiscal cliff is the unfinished debate that last until today. Different assessments of economic situation released with different opinions. Some people emphasize the financial doubt and confusion that makes them easy to appreciate and understand.