Outdoor Equipment Industry Fights Federal Budget Cuts
Women, youth, Hispanics, and single adults over 45 are the next targets of a concerted ad campaign mounted by the Outdoor Industry Foundation and its members eager to sell boots, sleeping bags, tents and outdoor gear of all kinds that helps people get out and get moving.
Outdoor Industry Foundation says it has conducted extensive research initiatives to fully understand the potential participant in outdoor recreation, including their motivations, demographic profile, and perceived barriers to participation.
Putting that research into practice, the industry group is issuing the first installment in its Toolkit for the Trade series. “Getting Women Active” is “a toolkit designed for retailers and outfitters, filled with practical research, case studies and tips for growing the women’s segment of outdoor recreation.”
“The Toolkit for the Trade series turns our extensive research into tangible actions for the entire outdoor trade to grow participation,”said Frank Hugelmeyer, president of Outdoor Industry Association. “The toolkits are designed to help any interested party reach out to untapped segments of the market.”
The industry is doing its best to reverse President George W. Bush’s recommendation to eliminate funding for the stateside Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in his proposed 2006 budget. This Fund was created by Congress in 1964. The program matches state and federal dollars to protect natural resources while providing recreation for Americans close to home.
In January, 78 executives representing the $20.1 billion outdoor industry urged President Bush to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
The President also eliminated funding for the Urban Parks and Recreation Restoration program, which helps people stay active.
Hugelmeyer says those budget choices are mistaken. “We know that close to home recreation opportunities play a key role in getting Americans active,” he said. “With soaring medical costs, investing in more active lifestyles is essential.”
“If investment in trails and parks, through programs like stateside LWCF and the Urban Parks and Recreation Restoration program, which was also zeroed out by the President, led to even a five percent decrease in the $75 billion in medical costs associated with obesity–half of which are carried by the federal government–the investment would mean $1.875 billion in savings for American taxpayers each year, “Hugelmeyer said. “That is a return on investment of $3.40 for each dollar invested.”
Later this year, the foundation will release a toolkit for “Getting Youth Active,”followed next year by toolkits for the ethnic segment and singles over 45.
“Our ultimate goal is to make outdoor recreation the number one leisure activity in the United States,”said Hugelmeyer. “By understanding who gets involved in outdoor recreation, why they choose to get involved, and what stands in their way, we have been able to tailor our outreach initiatives to have the greatest impact today.”
Provided by the Environmental News Service.