Findings Identify Best and Worst States
Findings Identify Best and Worst States
Here is a shortlist of state governments with the strongest performance — and the weakest — in managing information, money, people, and roads and buildings, as ranked by the Government Performance Project. Full details on each grade can be obtained by clicking on the name of the state.
States were evaluated on how well they provide information electronically, and whether they actively focus on strategic direction, gather enough information for decision-making, and use data comparing cost and performance when spending a states technology dollars.
Louisiana A-minus Missouri A-minus Utah A-minus Virginia A-minus Washington A-minus Weakest
Hawaii D South Dakota D Connecticut C-minus New Hampshire C-minus INFRASTRUCTURE
Capital planning, project monitoring, maintenance, internal coordination and intergovernmental coordination were the benchmarks for states grades.
Utah A Maryland A-minus Ohio A-minus Virginia A-minus Weakest
Alabama D New Mexico D-plus Hawaii C-minus Massachusetts C-minus Oklahoma C-minus MONEY
Researchers asked whether states had a long-term outlook, transparent budget process, structural balance between revenues and expenditures, effective management of procurement and sound financial audit practices.
Delaware A Utah A Virginia A Minnesota A-minus Washington A-minus Weakest
California DOregon D Colorado C- PEOPLE
The study graded states on the quality of strategic workforce planning, hiring practices, training programs and actions to retain skilled employees.
Georgia A South Carolina A-minus Virginia A-minus Weakeast
Rhode Island D-plus Wyoming D-plus California C-minus Tennessee C-minus
Source: Government Performance Project,