Data-driven analytical tool delivers insights on heavy equipment
EquipmentWatch Intelligence is the latest offering from Penton’s EquipmentWatch, a provider of database information products for the heavy equipment industry as well as heavy equipment research.
The new content arm of EquipmentWatch (EW) provides data-driven insights and analysis for contractors, governments, sellers and renters as well as finance and insurance officials. The EW offering helps professionals everywhere who are looking to make better-informed decisions regarding heavy construction equipment.
“In the creation of our EquipmentWatch data products, our analysts collect, clean and analyze over 750,000 records containing 11 million data points on a monthly basis,” explained Garrett Schemmel, Managing Director for EquipmentWatch. “This puts us in a unique position to discover deep insights regarding the acquisition, ownership and operation of heavy equipment as well as around age, volume, pricing and regional trends in the equipment marketplace.”
In addition to analysis, EquipmentWatch Intelligence will be leveraging EW industry partnerships to feature content on current heavy equipment topics such as telematics and the rise of Tier IV regulations. Users will be able to stay updated by subscribing to the new EquipmentWatch Intelligence newsletter.
“It’s all about data-driven decision-making across the entire equipment lifecycle,” said Gregory Lutz, Product Manager at EquipmentWatch & Price Digests. Here are some of the kinds of questions that EquipmentWatch Intelligence will answer, Lutz told GPN:
– Looking to buy or sell heavy construction equipment? This data suggests that there may be peak months during the year to do so:
– Wondering how many miles/hours you can put on your machine and still be below market average usage in order to fetch a higher price? We’ve got data to support that:
– Trying to forecast costs for an upcoming job? Being aware of volatility in major equipment operating cost factors such as fuel can increase the accuracy of your estimates:
For additional information on EquipmentWatch and its products, go here.