City of Brotherly Love gets enhanced 311 system (with related video)
In February, officials in Philadelphia unveiled the city’s Philly 311 system. The setup expands citizens’ access to city services via a range of communication channels including telephone, Internet, the 311 mobile app, and social media – like Facebook and Twitter. Blue Bell, Pa.-based Unisys served as the systems integrator to implement the flexible customer relationship management (CRM) solution, which is based in the cloud.
Designers of the system leveraged lessons learned from a 2014 pilot program. The results of the pilot helped developers understand how citizens want to engage with the city. The 311 setup covers more than 70 types of service requests and real-time citizen engagements.
The 311 system provides city management and staff timely reports on system performance and geographic-based service needs. The system offers capabilities and channels for responding to citizen inquiries. The setup will enable city staffers to proactively reach out to citizens to improve the quality of the services they provide to them.
The 311 offering gives Philadelphia citizens real-time, transparent access to government information and services, says Crystal Cooper, vice president of public sector solutions at Unisys. “With the new Philly 311 system, Philadelphia residents can use their smartphones or social media to request non-emergency assistance from city agencies. They also can do things like relaying photos to city workers for more efficient responses to service requests — while getting real-time status updates on their requests.”
“The city of Philadelphia is redefining and delivering customer service and experiences to its citizens like never before,” says Rosetta Carrington Lue, Philadelphia’s chief customer service officer and CRM project executive. She said that with the public launch of the Philly 311 customer relationship management setup, the city is revolutionizing the way citizens connect with their government.
For more information, contact the vendor: Unisys Corp.
The video shows how to use the Philly 311 mobile app.
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