Commentary Does constitutional substantive due process protection apply to camera enforcement? 22nd April 2015 Mark Mulholland, a partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C., discusses the constitutionality of camera enforcement.
Commentary America’s PrepareAthon! helps build resilient communities 20th April 2015 Gwen Camp, director of individual and community preparedness for FEMA discusses America’s PrepareAthon!, and explains the role local leaders play in disaster preparedness.
Commentary Magazine megaphone 15th April 2015 Former managing editor Erin Greer asks, how can we best reach you?
Commentary Cities are leading the way on green power 8th April 2015 Melissa Klein, Communications Director at U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership, writes on the importance and benefits of going green.
Commentary Three ways to save with IT automation 1st April 2015 Jim Manias, vice president at Advanced Systems Concepts, explains how IT Automation can cut costs for local governments.
Commentary Smart cities 30th March 2015 Local government leaders, and their energy counterparts, from San Francisco to São Paulo are making this year one of action for smart cities.
Commentary Top trends local governments need to watch in 2015 23rd March 2015 Shawn Rodriguez, senior director of state and local government and education for NetApp highlights some tech trends local governments should be aware of in 2015.
Commentary Paperless government? It’s possible 23rd March 2015 Frank Kettenstock, vice president of marketing at Foxit, a leading software provider of PDF solutions, writes how automation can make local government more efficient.
Supercharge your ERP: How ERPs and Purpose-Built Solutions Work Together to Future-Proof Your Digital Strategy 15th May 2023
Mechanizing the Mop: How modernized floor cleaning technologies are delivering powerful competitive advantages 25th April 2023
Mind the Development Gaps: Keep Growth on Track by Aligning Planning, Zoning, Permitting, Licensing, and Enterprise Asset Management 19th April 2023
Young Leaders Episode 4 – Cyril Jefferson – City Councilman, High Point, North Carolina 13th October 2020
Young Leaders Episode 2 – Christian Williams – Development Services Planner, Goodyear, Ariz. 1st July 2020